Tidy Up!

Holla :)

Yesterday my father is in the mood for 'tidy up day'!
ohh and it becomes bad news, because he asked me to do the same thing!

I'm so lazy to did it, buuut I won't regret it
because, I saw many historical things! haha.

I found many letters, drawings, photos, and my childhood stuffs!
it's quite funny :)

There's also many books, like fairy tale, novel even library books that I don't return it back! lol.
it's too much, sooo I decided to give some of it to a library near my house.
I hope it will be useful :)

The books

My creepy drawing and my little diary :)

ohh yah!
I found my mom and dad's 'toga'!
you know 'toga'? 'toga' is such a black long dress. it usually worn if you graduated from a university.
and, I interested to wear it!

Look! Am I fit with this? haha.

Oh sorry for my dumb face :)

This is your daughter.

My lovely Mom and Dad,
I would like to ask you a question.

Do you love me?
Hope you answer : "Yes, we do love you!"

Then, if you love me, would you like to but me this items?

this is my wishlist.
maybe my birthday is on August, but... it's okay, right?

Here it is the description:

1) Black jumpsuit. aaaah I want it since 2 years agooo! lol.
2) Universitas Indonesia (University of Indonesia). Hope I can study there! Amiiiin!
3) Swimming. yeah! I need to swimming, so I hope I can be taller and slimmer!
4) Camera digital (to die for!). I need it, so I can capture every moments in my life.
5) Bangles. I love to collect it recently. buut I want it more, especially with animal pattern!
6) Black wedges heels. Because I want to looks taller (see how desperate I am?)
7) Dark blue skinny jeans. To improve the style of my daily life :)

I wish and I hope I can possess it all in this 2 weeks.


Twelve grade!


Sekarang gue lagi mau nulis pake bahasa Indonesia dulu ya, karenaaa gue cinta Indonesia :)
haha. sepik sih. yang bener itu, english skill gue sucks, dan lagi ga mood pake english.
jadiiii gapapa yaa?

tanggal 26 Juni kemarin, sehari setelah Sevone, ada pembagian rapot!
uwawww... deg degan bangeeet!

Just because I'm in social class, doesn't mean that I have no worried about my result!
daan rapot menjadi sangat penting karena gue pengeeeen banget dapet PMDK!

Ada yang engga tau PMDK itu apa?
okay, let me explain for you...
PMDK : Penelusuran Minat dan Kemampuan.
PMDK berguna buat masuk ke perguruan tinggi tanpa test.
PMDK diliat dari nilai rapot kelas 10 sampai 12.
Kalo mau PMDK UI, itu katanya harus masuk 3 besar SEANGKATAN!
Nah, inilah yang jadi permasalahan!

(tulisan dibawah ini engga bermaksud pamer!)
Kelas 10 semester 1 alhamdulillah masuk 5 besar.
Kelas 10 semester 2 alhamdulillah masuk 3 besar.
kelas 11 semester 1 alhamdulillah masuk 3 besar lagi.
kelas 11 semester 2 (rapot bayangan) astaghfirullahaladzim engga masuk 10 besar!

look! how bad that feels!

finally, kemarin nyokap gue ngambil rapot, dan hasilnyaa...

at least I can continued to the twelve grade!

and about ranking...
gue udah nanya sama wali kelas, katanya sekarang engga ada ranking2an, kalopun ada itu bakal diumumin nanti.

Sumpah, ga puas banget denger jawaban kayak gini!
tapi seengga-engganya gue engga perlu cemas sama ranking.

tapi, karena gue terlalu curious...
gue coba buat ngitung rata-rata nilai gue.
and I found out that... nilai rata-rata gue sama persis kayak rapot semester 1.
Could I reach top 3 rank again? oohh I wish!

people, please pray for me!


Look at this super cute jeweleries!
It's hannah makes things collections
The designs are out of the box!




(This one is my favourite!)


I would be so glad if there's someone buy me it all :)
so, afford me anyone?

Check their full collections by click here!


Ahh finally Sevone Championship II is done!

and the result was great!

Awalnya, panitia kekurangan dana lumayan banyak.
tapiii alhamdulillah ya Allah...
Sevone sukses dan surplus! Hurray!

FYI, di Sevone ini ada lomba basket putra-putri, futsal, saman, dance, dan cheers.
jadii rame deh pokoknyaa :)

Sevone selesai tanggal 25 Juni kemarin.
dan pas closing, ada dua, ecapede (ohh please, why did they named the band with it?!), dan kuburan!

first, I thought the bands were lame...
and I was afraid that the crowds won't satisfied with it, buuuut I was totally wroooong!

Kuburan rocks! haha.
Mereka kocak banget. Aksinya engga biasa.
Mereka bawa 2 pocong, tapi lucu lucu semua, engga serem sama sekali!

I'm sorry I can't give u many pics, and sorry for the poor quality...

Thank you Intan for the photos :)

I wish I could give u more pics, soo just wait for it!


ahh sorry for not continued my post about dieng and jogja now.
because many photos I've taken is on my friend's camera, and she's not upload it yet.
sooo... yah just wait for her :)

oh yah.
my school, 71 senior high school is going to held a championship, named :
the theme is 'Gogle' : 'Go Green and Show Your Talent'
5 days, 21-25 June.

and I'm take part of this event,
I guess I will have busy days...

sooo forgive me if I'm not posting anything for this 5 days.

bye all!

School trip at dieng-jogja

hey ya!

I'm back!

and now I'd like to share many stories about my trip to Dieng and Jogja!

hmm, it was fun, but i don't know from where I should start my stories...

Ok, the student should arrive at school at 3 p.m
(hmm i hope u don't mind if I mix english with bahasa indonesia, I'm not in the mood for english...)

tapi, ngaret dan akhirnya baru jam 4 lebihan berangkatnya.
ternyata banyak yang bawa koper kok. oh yah, I decided to bring my small pillow! haha. and in fact, it's very useful... we're going to dieng and jogja by bus named Blue Star. I think it's good enough and comfortable.

first destination is :
Desa Kepakisan, Dieng, Jawa Tengah.

Day 1

Butuh waktu belasan jam buat nyampe kesana. sooo, makan malam dulu deh di daerah hmmm damn! i forget about it... pkoknya udah masuk daerah jawa barat deh.
to be honest, makanannya kurang enaaaak. hehe.
and after the dinner, the long journey continued!
nah, ini mungkin yang dikhawatirin banyak orang, ini perjalanan malam dan karena bus ini lewat jalur selatan, jadi lewat nagrek juga. dan kata orang, nagrek is a horrible area. oh why?
karena jalannya meliuk-liuk kayak di puncak, even worse dan penerangannya minim banget.
tapi, alhamdulillah, everything is alright!

oh iya, di tiap bus ada tour guide-nya, di bus gw ada namanya kak bom bom.
tapi dia ga ngajak lala, jessica sama ibu peri. haha (korban sinetron bidadari!)
nah kak bom bom ini kocak deh. dia cadel ga bisa ngomong 'R'.
akhirnya sama anak-anak cowo kelas gw yang pada duduk di belakang di kata-katain.

we're having fun at the bus. karaoke-ing all night long.
the songs are 'great', like Ungu, Peterpan, D'masiv, even Wali and Kangen Band! haha.

hah, makin malam, udara di bus makin dingin! padahal gw udah pake sweater sama kaos kaki, but it doesn't make any effects. and I can't sleep well. tiba-tiba kebangun, padahal udah ngantuk banget. intinya: tidur di bus engga enak dan bikin badan pegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!

XI IPS 1 in the bus

Day 2

Sekitar jam 5 pagi, stop dulu di Wonosobo buat sholat subuh dan bersih-bersih.
harusnya kan ganti baju tuh tapi gw males. hehe
nah, perjalanan lanjut deh!
sarapan di deket terminal Wonosobo. karena abis itu mau transit ke bus yang lebih kecil.
FYI, katanya Dataran Tinggi Dieng itu Dataran Tinggi yang paling tinggi kedua di dunia setelah Dataran Tinggi Tibet. waw!

We use a small bus, i think it's a lil bit tawdry.
Just wanna make a comparison :

which one is the best? haha.
1st pic : blue star. bus yang digunain dari Jakarta
2nd pic: unknown. bus ke desa di dieng

oh my God, if I said that Nagrek is a horrible area... then I'll said that journey to Dataran Tinggi Dieng is superrrrr superrr horrible!
naik turun dan antara jalan sama jurangnya itu engga ada pembatesnyaaa! cck cck...

sekitar 1 jam, akhirnya sampai di desa kepakisan.
first impression : sederhana dan dingiiiiiiiiiiiiin banget!
warganya mayoritas jadi petani, menanam kentang.
dan disini warganya islamis banget, kebanyakan ibu-ibunya pake cadar.
tapi, kata tour guide-nya, jangan ketipu sama penampilan luar warga di desa ini.
mereka sederhana banget, padahal katanya sekali panen, mereka bisa gain 60-70 jutaaa!
uwew! cumaaa, poor them, mereka ga bisa belanjain uang itu untuk beli-beli baju ato perlengkapan rumah, karena di sekitar desa ga ada mall... hihi. jadi mereka biasanya ngehambur-hamburin buat syukuran-syukuran gitu.

Desa Kepakisan, Dieng

disini, gw tinggal di rumah Ibu Sutini. rumah nomor 9. dan berisikan 9 cewek.
ani, nisa, acil, acut, sinta, dhya, farah, sifa, and me.
lucu deh rumahnya kayak rumah barbie. catnya pink. wanna see?

sorry for the poor quality of camera. I didn't bring digcam.
Ibu Sutini baik dan ramah banget :)
kita disana disuguhin kentang dieng yang terkenal.
kentang goreng! nyammm!

kentang-kentang Dieng

malam di Dieng super duper hyper dingiiiin banget!
kata tour guidenya kalo malem, suhu di Dieng bisa mencapai 0 derajat celcius!
sweater is not enough!

this is me. embarrassing pict actually!

menhangatkan diri di kompor :)

wawancara sama kepala desa Kepakisan

di Dieng. gw engga mandi sekalipun! haha. call me lazy, call me stinky...
but the situation is really out of control (lebay!)
dingin banget, dan meminjam perkataan acil yang abis mandi, sensasi airnnya kayak black menthol! haha.

Day 3

Pagi-pagi gue sama temen-temen gue udah harus ninggalin Ibu Sutini...
ahh I will miss her sooo much!
Rombongan pergi ke 3 tempat :

PLTP Dieng

Telaga Warna

Kompleks Candi Arjuna

Kawah Sikidang

Candi Borobudur

That was totally fun! I wish I could go back there again...

Abis dari candi borobudur, rombongan langsung pergi ke Jogja.
perjalanannya lumayan lama, tapi akhirnya nyampe juga di Hotel Bronto.
aaah finally, gue bisa mandi! itu yang paling penting!

Day 4

Pagi-pagi langsung cabut ke Keraton Jogja.
Sebenernya beberapa tahun yang lalu gue pernah kesini juga.

Some pics :

Teruus ke Ketep Pass. Jadi Ketep Pass itu kayak Puncak.
Jalan menuju kesana naik turun dan meliuk-liuk. Ngeri banget.
Bus gue sempet hampir kenapa-kenapa loh!
jadi itu jalannya tanjakan, ternyata ada bus dari arah yg berlawanan lagi mau turun.
otomatis bus gue nge-rem dulu kan, nah tiba-tiba alarm bus bunyi, dan AC mati.
pas si supir mau ngegas, engga kuat!
jadinya malah mundur! itu kan turunan! bahaya banget deh.
gara-gara itu, gue jadi engga terlalu mood foto-foto di Ketep Pass.

XI IPS 1 at Ketep Pass

nah, abis dari sini...
ke Malioboro! Horray!
I love to shop in here :)
waktu yang dikasih cuma 2 jam.
disini gue fokusin buat beli oleh-oleh.
Kakak gue dapet 1 kaos. Papa dapet 1 celana pendek. Mama dapet 2 sandal.
gue sendiri?
hmm gue cuma beli sandal, bangles, gelang tali, sama kalung.
tapi gue ga terlalu puas sih.
abis itu makan malem, terus...
Yeah akhirnyaaa!

Day 5

Yaudah deh, sampe rumah jam 11 siang.
Alhamdulillah dengan selamat.

nah, segitu aja yaa.

Bye :)


Ahhh finally!

I'm coming home :)

thank God for the safe journey, there's no accident...
damn the prediction, it was totally wrong!

I can breathe the air of jakarta again!

the trip was so great!

I will tell many stories about it later.

I just come home, and all I want to do is SLEEP!
rest for a while...

soo.. just wait for the next post!


I'm done packing this stuffs!
Thank you mom, for helping me arrange it all.
I know, it's simple thing and easy, but, I still can't do it by myself! hihi.
now u know how childish I am...

Wanna see what I'm going to bring tomorrow?
here it is...

In the end, I bring 8 t-shirts. I think it's too much, because my friends just bring 5 or 6. but my mom keep telling me, 'prepare for the worst', just in case if my t-shirts are wet or whatever.

This is my travel bag, the black plastic bag above it, contains a small pillow (I'm not sure I want to bring it, but my mom (again) told me that most of my sleep time is spend on bus, so this pillow will bring more convenience! Okay...). and then, that white bag... is my carry-on bag. it contains my personal thing such as wallet and toiletries kit.

hmm, this could be my last entry before I go to Dieng...
but maybe tomorrow in the morning, I will post something.

hmm u know what?
many of my school's friends worry about this trip.

they told me that they are afraid because of the long journey.
and they said they've heard about some prediction that there will be a bus accident, that contain many high school students.
well... I try to keep calm.

Just think positive, and just believe in God. not the prediction.
and I believe God always protect us, if we always pray for it.

sooo pray for me all!


look at this video.
a parody about lady gaga. it's very funny!
and sorry for lady gaga, i laugh at this very loud...

hahaha :D


Saturday, I'm going to leave Jakarta...

and say hello to Dieng and Jogja!

it's a trip from school, sooo I'll have fun with all my school's friends!
but, unfortunately... myka, anggita and mira stay at home.
I don't know the reason why don't they come with us...

and, today my plan is... I have to packing all my stuffs!
but, I'm a bit lazy to do it by myself, so I rather wait for my mom to ask me, and then she will help me :)

actually, the school's coordinator tell us not to bring travel bag, their reason is: travel bag is too big and not flexible. they recommend us to bring backpack.

buut, we'll go to many places for 5 days, and I don't think that backpack is enough for my clothes even the big one. soo... i decided to use small travel bag. it's my late uncle's. I'd borrow it before he dead. now I'm confused, how do I return it? mm maybe I'll return it to my aunt.

I think I will bring...

1 carry-on bag (to put my phone, wallet, perfume, and many personal thingy)
8 t-shirts (most of all is white)
1 black jeans
1 black legging
1 sporty trouser
2 sweaters (because Dieng is very very cold)
1 shawl
1 pair of shoes
1 sandal
2 socks
hmm what else?
and the most important is bring many bras and undies! lol.

lucky me, I'm googling about packing tips, and here are the results :

packing tips:

  • The best way to start packing is to make a list of items you will need to take with you
  • Always pack your valuables and medications in your carry on bag
  • Attach a ribbon or another identifying marker so you can easily spot your luggage
  • Don't forget chargers and/or batteries for all the electronic items you take with you.
  • Clothes are less likely to crease if you roll rather than fold them. Roll clothing whenever possible. You'll be surprised how much more you can pack in a single bag.

sources :

I'm ready for packing!


ahh, actually I'm sick about love!

but, today...
love come to me again.

still... with this boy.

I don't know. I think boys are difficult. I can't predict their thoughts.
and, special for this boy...

he's unpredictable.
he's irresistable.
he's.... unforgettable!

ahh sorry for sharing this crap, haha.
just ignore it...

killing time!

these 3 days, my family held some 'pengajian' in my house.
soo, it's like a family gathering. very crowded. and honestly, boring.

why boring? because they are all old. 30, 40, 50 even older! hmmh.

so, I use my internet connection to kill my time...

and, my first destination is, looklet! (again...)

it's become habit, so prepare urself to see many looks from me :)

well, my brain is out of control everytime I open looklet!

and, my mood is on dress up game, so I open roiworld...
I know it before looklet.
roiworld is just cartoon, I mean the model is not real.
but, still worth it to try!

The more I play it, the more I want to go shopping!
Oh God!

Dedicated to him

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody

Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause we will never say bye

As a child there were them times
I didn't get it but you kept me in line
I didn't know why you didn't show up sometimes
On Sunday mornings, and I missed you
But I'm glad we talked through
All them grown folk things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face

I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
I wish I could talk to you for awhile
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by

And it's true that you've reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

And you never got the chance to see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together

I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
You'd make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever

Mariah Carey - "Bye Bye"

Bye bye my lovely uncle, thank you for all that u have done to me...

Goodbye my best uncle

Innalillahi wainna illaihi rajiun.

dua hari yang lalu, om gw (usually I called him 'pakde'), meninggal dunia.
beliau meninggal sekitar jam 11 malam pada saat perjalanan ke rumah sakit.
fyi, pakde gw punya penyakit gula dan gagal ginjal.
mungkin penyakit diatas yang menyebabkan pakde meninggal...

siangnya, sebelum beliau meninggal, keadaannya masih baik-baik aja.
baru menjelang sore, omongannya udah mulai ngaco, dan jalannya udah sempoyongan.
tapi, ini udah sering terjadi dan gw sekeluarga mikir ini kejadian biasa.

tengah malam, tiba-tiba ada bunyi berisik dan gaduh dari kamarnya, pas gw sama kakak gw keatas, ternyata pakde gw jatuh, tapi untungnya di tempat tidur, jadi engga terlalu parah.
tapi, setelah itu, dia jadi sesak nafas, ngomongnya engga jelas, mukanya pucat banget.

akhirnya di bawalah pakde ke RSAL di daerah Pejompongan.
di rumah tinggal ada gw, kakak, bude sama pembantu.
bude gw engga ikut nganter, engga tau kenapa.

engga ada firasat ato perasaan aneh sekalipun.
gw sama kakak gw nonton TV.
tiba-tiba adegan film di TV itu ngeliatin peti mati.
saat itu juga, telepon rumah bunyi, yang ngangkat kakak gw, dan kedengeran suara nyokap nangis-nangis, muka kakak gw juga shocked banget.
yah... I know it at that time, the best uncle I've ever had, had gone forever.

I cried a lot until my eyes became swollen.

sesuai ajaran Islam, jenazah pakde dimandikan, dikafankan, disholatkan dan terakhir dimakamkan.

it's so hard to let him go, because I'd been know him since I was a child. and I'd been live with him this one year. he has no children, so he treat me as his daughter.

I never thought that he'll gone so fast, I'll always pray for u, uncle...

My looklet

U guys must know about looklet, right?

It's such a fashion game. It challenges us how to mix and match clothes.

It's very fun!
I feel like a fashion stylist! haha.

here it is my recent looks:

what do u think?
Do I have any talent to be a fashion stylist? on a magazine maybe?
I'll show u the others later.
or just visit my account, click here!