Another plain day...


The best word to describe this day.

ahh... hari ini banyak banget guru yang engga masuk ke kelas, gara-gara ngurusin ujian praktek kelas 3.

Ngobrol sama temen-temen kelas sebenernya cukup menghibur, tapiii hello?? I want to study seriously, that's what I go to school for! ciellah.. gaya!

finally, it's the day for the Japanese test!

luckily, cuma di suruh baca hiragana.

katakana nya engga!

hilang satuu, beban dalam hidup inii...
semogalah masa depan lebih ceeraaaahh...

(lagu iklan sekolah gratis, lg booming banget di kelas gw. hihi)

susah nih testnya.
jadi gw disuruh milih satu diantara beberapa kertas sama sensei. gw pilih yang tengah aja dehh.

ehh eehh.. susah beneeeurr yaa!
itu kalimatnya banyak yang engga ada di buku. jadii agak awkward gitu bacanya.
kalimatnya yang gw inget paling..
shinsuno blah blah blah...
pokoknya engga ngerti dehh itu artinya apaa.
jangan2 itu mantra penggemuk badan, makanya gw jadi fatty begini?? hihi
tapi senseinya bilang : "udah bagus kok, tinggal dilancarin aja dikit yaa".

arigato gozaimasu, sensei :)

Test baca Hiragana atau baca Al-qur'an?

Ohh iyaa...
before I go to the bed,
I want to give u all a recommendation.

suka Lady GaGa? tau Pokerface doong?
suka Britney Spears? tau Circus kaan?

nah nah...
gw nemu percampuran dua lagu ini.
keren dehh. walaupun emg didominasi lagu Circus-nya, tapi Pokerfacenya masih tetep kedengeran.
check it out!

Best Quote Ever!

"Love is the best and the worst feeling in the world.

The best thing about love is knowing there is someone out there that makes you smile just by seeing them.

The worst thing about love is knowing one day they will be gone from your life"

Nichola Jackson

Japanese, please!

besok libur udah selesai.
di hari terakhir libur ini harusnya gw bisa killing time with my friends.
buuut, it always canceled ;(

selama liburan, banyak tugas nih.

tapi yang paling parah, tugas dari sensei...

"Hafalkan huruf-huruf hiragana dan katakana!"




Hiragana sihh masih gapapa. karena dari kelas 10, udah diajarin dikiit.
Kalo katakana? blank banget!
plus, how could i distinguish it?
which one hiragana and which one katakana?
they just look like strange symbols!
cck cck cck...

I wish I could put it in my brain!

The Forgotten

My holiday is almost end.
I spent my free time just in my house
uhh.. terrible ;(

nahh nahh.
today, i want to share my opinion about a film that I watched yesterday.
iyaa.. film yang kemarin gw tonton di bioskop, tanpa ngeluarin uang sedikitpun.


emg ada?

ada dooong!

Bioskop Trans TV!

wak wawww! hihi

judulnya "The Forgotten"


at first, I think it's a horror film. There's gonna be ghosts or something spooky like that.
buuut, I'm totally wrong.

Ini film tentang seorang Ibu, namanya Telly.
Dia selalu berpikir kalau dia punya anak cowok, namanya Sam.
Sayangnya, Sam meninggal di sebuah kecelakaan pesawat pas mau tamasya.
Setiap hari Telly selalu ke kamar Sam, ngeliatin foto-foto Sam, dan nonton video-video Sam.
Sampai suatu saat, foto dan video Sam lenyap.
Telly pikir suaminya yang membuang semua itu.
Tiba-tiba ada psikolog dateng, daaann... Telly itu ternyata cuma berimajinasi.
Sebenarnya Telly engga pernah punya anak!
lohh kok?

Tapi Telly bersikeras banget, kalo dia punya anak.
Dia nyoba cari orang-orang yang kenal sama anaknya, tapi engga ada satupun orang di kotanya yang tau tentang Sam.

Akhirnya, dia ketemu sama seorang pemain hockey, namanya Ash.
Ash-menurut Telly-adalah papanya teman main Sam.
Ash mikir Telly orang gila, tapi lama-lama Ash inget, kalau dia memang pernah punya anak.

Pencarian pun dimulai.
Dramatis banget dehh.

Tapii, satu yang bikin film ini terlihat sedikit aneh.
ternyata, anak-anak mereka masih hidup.
semua orang di kota Telly dan Ash dihapus ingatannya sama suatu makhluk.

Sebenernya, di film ini ga digambarin jelas, apa makhluknya.
yang jelas, makhluk ini bisa narik orang ke atas langit.
So, I think it's like U.F.O or alien...

The ending makes it all a little bit clear...
ternyata, makhluk itu mau bikin eksperimen dengan ngegunain Telly.
Mereka mau neliti, apakah kekuatan batin Ibu dan anak bisa dihapus?
it works to all mothers in that city, but not Telly.
makhluk itu nyerah deh akhirnya...

Daan karena Telly tetep bisa nginget anaknya, tiba-tiba Telly ke sebuah taman, dan nyari anaknya.
dan tiba-tiba lagi, anaknya, Sam, muncuuul!

gimana menurut kalian?
agak engga jelas engga sihh? haha.
atau emang review gw yang engga jelas?

hmmhh... okay, here it is the official site of The Forgotten. click here!
u can judge it by urself.

aaaand, after I watched this film,
gw jadi mikir kalo ingatan itu penting banget.

bayangin deh kalo tiba-tiba ingatan kita kehapus...
kayak amnesia gituu...
kita engga bisa ingat masa kecil...
engga bisa ingat momen-momen indah dalam hidup..

ohh... it's horrible!

Soo...keep ur memory well, people!

24th April 1989

what happened on 24th April 1989?

a boy was born in Jakarta, his name is Adrian Ramadhan.
and yepp! he's my brother :)

today is his 20th b'day! waw waw waw!

but I don't make a surprise or prepare any gifts for him.
because I don't have money to afford him. sorry, my bro ;)

I'd love to give him a birthday cake.
but which one that best for my brother?

I found many weird cake.

First, this cockroach cake.
looks so yucky!
I lost my appetite! weks!

Oh my God, I want to know the taste of that brown thingy!


look at the flies! they look like real!
I wonder how bad that taste! yucky!

well, it's like watching SAW.


Girl in a cake. hmm I bet he love it very much!

Or, this one?

F.Y.I, he studies about computer in his college. sooo would it be nice if I give this cake, huh?


haha. whatever it is, I just want my brother become smarter, more diligent, and always healthy.

Amiin :)

Once again, Happy B'day My Brother!

home alone, again!

I don't wanna talk about 'Home Alone' film.

ohh no, thanks!

I want to talk about the situation that happen to me today.

yeahh.. i'm home alone.

my mom accompany my aunt to the hospital (again!)

and my dad, as usual, go to his office, earn money for my family.

ohh God, it's holiday. I'm home alone. what a great pleasure?! huh.

buut, just look at the bright side. I'm a narcissist. and I do love singing.


I decided to browsing songs on my number one website, youtube! (not redtube, don't u ever open it! 'cause I'd do. and really, the videos were horrible!)

and, I don't know why, this week i'm craving for having a karaoke time.

I feel like i want to sing-a-long alooong day.

and I search all my favourite songs in karaoke version.

and tadaaa! waw. I found so many beautiful soongs!

And I really satisfy with my voice. haha.

someday, i want to be a singer. haha. hey, i'm not kidding u. it's real. it's my dream when I was a child.

haha. singer?

yeahh. i wish someday...

hmm. that's all for now :)

Welcome my dear friends :)

this holiday is like a crap!
nothing to do and killed by the boring day!

but, lucky me!

kemarin, Retta sama Nadya, bersedia main ke rumah gw. yeay!

Mereka ini temen gw dari SMP. Alhamdulillah ga lose contact sampe sekarang.
I hope we can keep this friendship until the end of time :)

just as usual, kalo cewek ketemuan pasti langsung ngobrol-ngobrol dehh.
we share about love, problem, school, funny things, anything!
they make my day :)

at the end, we take photos together on my webcam.

guess how much picture we've taken for a day?

more than 200 photos! euww.. what a great narcissist! haha

I lorrrve you girls :)
can't wait for the next meeting!

Youtube nights, Panic at The Disco flashback

Tonight, I have nothing to do. Actually my plan is finishing my school's assignment...
buuut... gw tergoda nih buat menyalakan internet di laptop. hmmhh..

Engga tau kenapa, ya.. tapi lama-lama situs pertemanan, kayak facebook, bikin boring juga..
things I do when I open my fb account are...

check the friend request. (most of them is unknown)

go to my profile.

reply all wall.

playing pet society.

chat with people.

that's that! it's like becomes a routine activity...

sooo... gw tertarik untuk ngebuka youtube.

pertama sih ngesearch 'The ting tings'.
mulai dari 'Shut up and Let me go', 'Great DJ' sampe 'That's not my name'.
hmm their music totally rocks!

and then... suddenly, I think about panic at the disco!
yeaa... my number one band in this world.

Panic at The Disco.

They are:

The Lovely Brendon Urie

The Sweet Ryan Ross

The Powerful Spencer Smith

The Simple Jon Walker

wow.. they are amazing!

gw jadi inget pas mereka konser di Jakarta.

yepp... flashback is start now!

sebulan sebelumnya, gw udah denger kabar kalo mereka bakal konser di Jakarta.
cepet-cepetlah gw browsing informasi.
oke. ternyata mereka dateng tanggal 17 Agustus 2008.
10 hari sebelum ulang tahun gw yang ke 16 :)
tiket carnaval : 450.000
tiket tribune : 350.000
(kalo ga salah.. soalnya udah lupa!) sounds like my mom won't allowed me to buy the ticket.
yahh.. bener aja..
malemnya, gw ngerengek, meminta-minta dengan muka sangat memelas minta dibeliin tiket itu, tapi langsung dibales dengan 2 kata : ENGGA BOLEH!

my mom's reason:
itu terlalu mahal. mama lagi engga ada uang. kalo harganya dibawah 400, oke dehh engga apa-apa.

in the end, I just can cry all night ;(

buutt lucky meee! Java tiba-tiba nuruniin harga tiketnya! uwaw!
yg carnaval jadi 350.000. Horray!!! :D

akhirnya buruburu gw kasihtau nyokap gw kalo tiketnya udah di bawah 400 dann nyokap gw harus nepatin janjinyaa!! hahaii! she smile at me and finally she said "Okay, it's for ur birthday present"
wawawawa! I'm sooo happy that time!

mereka konser pas tanggal 17 Agustus 2008. Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia.
konsernya mulai jam 7 atau 8 malam gituu. gw chao ke Tennis Indoor Senayan with my beloved friend, Anggita and her other friends.

I was so exciting!

waw...antri masuknya lumayan panjang euy...
but, it doesn't matter! I want my Panic at The Disco!

pas masuk ke area konsernyaa... shit! barisan depan udah penuh banget!
gw yang pendek ini gimana bisa ngliat Brendon dkk?

gw ngedorong-dorong orang dengan lembut dan pelan-pelan, awalnya..
tapii dengan cepatt, otak gw udah berpikir licik tanpa diminta.
gw sok-sok kedorong orang dari belakang. padahal gw sendiri yang ngedorong! haha. criminal!
beberapa dari mereka ada yang marah dan bilang
"jangan dorong-dorong, dong!"
dan dengan selownya gw jawab "engga tau, gw juga di dorong nih dari belakang! Woy, yang belakang! jangan dorong-dorong doong!". haha.

yepp! sedikit-demi-sedikit, gw udah sampe di barisan kedua dari depan stage! wuhuuu!
but it's soo hard to survive on this crowd!
sesak banget, gencet-gencetan, dorong-dorongan.. huaahh!

opening act nya The Changcuters.
crowd tambah parah dorong-dorongannya. gw kepisah sama anggita dkk.

after waiting 15 minutes or more... Panic at The Disco appear on the stage!!!

"AAAAAAA!", semua penonton yang mostly cewek langsung teriak histeris. gw engga mau kalah dooong!

u know what? gw berdiri pas di depan Ryan Ross! wiihhiii!
selama 1 setengah jam lebih, sing a long terus.

mereka ngebawain lagu-lagu yang di Pretty.Odd sama A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
Brendon ganteeeeng banget!
Ryan Ross is very cuuuuteeee! haha.

tapi, sayang, mereka kurang komunikatif.
mereka paling cuma nyampein greetings..
terus nyelamatin hari kemerdekan Indonesia..
terus basa-basi dikit kalo mereka seneng ada di Indonesia..
udah dehh.

here are the photo that I captured at the concert :

Brendon :)

Cute Ryan Ross :)

Foto di depan replika patd. I'm the yellow one :)

p.s :
pas pelemparan-pelemparan barang dari patd, Anggita dapet stick drumnya Spencer! waaa ngiri abis ;(
Ryan sama Brendon ngelempar mawar merah sama mawar putih. But none of them was mine! huhu. maybe next time?

hoaahh! I hope they can show in Jakarta again.
with their new album, absolutely...

Bahasa Indonesia yang baku

Selamat malam :)

Hari ini cukup menyenangkan. akhirnyaa semua kelas di lantai 2 dan lantai 3 di SMAN 71 di pasangin AC yang bermerk dan DINGIN! Cold baby Cold! brrrrrrrr...

Dulu anak-anak pada engga konsen gara-gara kepanasan, sekarang jadi tambah engga konsen lagi mungkin, gara-gara kedinginan.. hihi asikk!

Tadi ada pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Ibu Rumondang tercinta tetap sabar mengajar kelas XI IPS 1, walaupun anak-anaknya pada becanda-becindi. Beliau tadi ngajar tentang kata-kata dalam bahasa Indonesia yang baku dan tidak baku. Hmm..

Bu Rumondang ngadain tanya jawab,

"yang baku itu, ijasah atau ijazah?"

"Ijasah, bu!" "ijazah, bu!"

"Ijasah pakai S atau Ijazah pakai Z?"

salah satu temen gw dengan begonya jawab, "Ijazah, bu... pakai S".


coba yaaa test kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia kalian!
try it, just for fun :)


Manakah yang kata yang baku?

1) Lembab atau Lembap?

2) Himbauan atau Imbauan?

3) Berhutang atau Berutang?

4) Silakan atau Silahkan?

5) Obyek atau Objek?

6) Teknik atau Tehnik?

7) Triplek atau Tipleks?

8) Jenderal atau Jendral?

9) Sutra atau Sutera?

10) Resiko atau Risiko?

Jawaaabaaanyaaaa... adaaalahhhhh.... (dengan gaya Fitri Tropica di Missing Lyrics...)

1) Lembap.

2) Imbauan.

(yapp! banyak orang salah kaprah. Pada bilangnya "Himbauan", kan?")

3) Berutang.

(ini jugaa... biasanya tuhh orang ngebuat kalimat "Berhutang budi", harusnya "Berutang budi"!)

4) Silakan.

(nahh! ini diaa yang paling mengejutkan.. selama ini gw pikir "Silahkan" itu udah baku, ternyataa yang bener itu "Silakan". Hmm fatal banget nihh. Gw padahal sering bangett liat di restoran atau tempat-tempat gitu yang ada tulisan: "Silahkan Menikmati". hmm pada remed nih bahasanya! hihi)

5) Objek.

(supir angkot seneng banget ngomong "Obyekan"....)

6) Teknik.

(no "H")

7) Tipleks.

(yepp! aneh tapi beneraann! padahal istilah "Triplek" kayaknya udah membumi banget yaa?)

8) Jenderal.

9) Sutera.

(kalo "Sutra"? hmm sounds familiar... merk karet bukan sih? *haha. sok innocent!)

10) Risiko.

(hmm... biasanya gw ngomongnya "Resiko". what about u?)

Jadiii, gimana hayoo?

banyak yang bener ato salah?

whatever it is, kita harusnya harus lebih mengkaji bahasa Indonesia. Betul tidak?

Cintailah Bahasa Indonesia!

gudd nait pipel :)

between lucky and yucky.

hoaaahmm.. actually, i'm tired and want to go to my bed as soon as possible.
buuuut... my heart says that i have to write some post tonight... okay! i will do it now.

let me use bahasa indonesia, soalnyaa gw lagi ngantuk, jadiii biar simple dehh. ngyahaha.

it happens yesterday..

sumpahh kemarin ituuu the worst day ever!!!
u know what??

1) Gw bangun jam 6 kurang 10, kepotong sholat sama minum susu, mandinya baru jam 6. mandi buru-buru dan mau-ga-mau harus keramas karena rambut gw udah lepek. akhirnya brangkat dari rumah jam 6.25 a.k.a stengah 7 kurang 5 menit (but thank God... jam gw itu kecepetan 5 menit. hehe). abis ituu naik ojek sambil ngibas-ngibasin rambut biar cepet kering. Fortunately, I was arrived at school when the bell rang. huufft. LUCKY!

2) Karena abis keramas, otomatis rambut gw basah doong yaa. ternyata eh ternyata... ada upacara! hmmhh... jadilah gw pake topi cupu sekolah saat rambut gw masih basah. mana keringetan lagiii! YUCKY!

3) Di sekolah, there's a boy that annoyed me so much! hmmhh.. he make some gossips that he and I was in a relationship. let me tell u... the truth is... it's relationshit!
he came to me and asked me to went out with him. he said that with loud voice, so everyone in my class can hear it. kayak anak SD, langsung semua padaa "ciee-ciee". urrgghh!
I know it all bullshit. he just try to played me. Jadi ya udahhh gw iya iyain ajaa dehh. and one thing i hate the most is.. he said to some of his friends that I was his gf! WHAT THE HELL??!!
ok... gw tauu itu mungkin cuma bcandaa and I have to take it easy. buuut the problem is... my peep saw it. and he heard it all! oohh please my morning, ituu engga benerr. jangan percayaa! YUCKY!

4) well..well OSIS ada rapat akbar tentang SEVONE Champ 2. rapatnya sihh harusnya dimulai jam 14.15... tapii yahh like another Indonesian.. itu semua ngaret sampe jam stengah 3 lebih. okeee.. let's start the meeting. as I thought before... di rapat ini gw cuma duduk, diem, main HP. duduk, diem, main HP. begitu seterusnya. bukannya engga mau terlibat, tapi kapasitas gw minim. rapat yang gw pikir jam 4 bakal kelar... ternyata baru selesai jam 5 kurang. hmmhh... it rain outside, walaupun cuma gerimiss tapi kan bechweekk! YUCKY!

5) Pas pulang, naik angkot. sama vicky dan banu. di tengah-tengah rute, si abang angkot sialan, seenaknya motong jalan, dan turunnya engga pas di tempat yang mau gw turunin! haaahh...! YUCKY!

6) Di jalan ini, gw harus nunggu angkot lagi. dann angkot yang mau gw naikin ituu jarang lewat situu. tapiii... seorang malaikat dataaang! Dita, muncul dengan motornya! jadii nebeng dehh! LUCKY!

7) Hmmhh yang namanya kalimalang, engga pernah engga macett! panjang banget lagi. Dita nyoba nyelip-nyelip diantara mobil. pas ada jalan yg rada batu-batu gitu, Dita ngegas terlalu kenceng, padahal di depan ada kayak tiang pembatas parkir. JEDUUUG! (i'm not sure about this sound..) nabraklah. tapi untungg engga jatuhh. LUCKY!

8) pas udah mau deket tempat gw turun, Dita ngebut. Sedangkannn itu jalanan beceeekk. banyaaaak 'kolam-kolam' kecil yang airnya udah berwarna coklat lumpur gituuu. hmmhh.. kecipratlah semua itu ke kaos kaki beserta sepatu gw... well, I don't blame her for it. I supposed to thank her. but, it's YUCKY!

9) nyampe rumah, pengen santai nih. buka facebook bentar. ngejajal kuis-kuis. tiba-tibaa om gw sesak nafas dan harus cepet-cepet ke UGD (gw serumah sama om dan tante gw. ohh what a big family..). my mom and dad was in panic. they gave me options to stay or go with them. pengennya sihh stay, tapiii I'm afraid to be home alone :( . So I go with them. gw pikir ini engga bakalan lama. soalnya gw pengen ngelanjutin facebooking dan ngeblog ria. ehhh tapiii the situation became worse, tante gw sakiit jugaa. lemes gitu dan engga sadarkan dirii. akhirnyaa pulang-pulang gw baru jam 12 kurang sampe di rumah! waw! great job! manaaa gw blom nyiapin seragam+buku buat sekolahh... YUCKY!

well.... kok jadii curcol gini yaa?
hmmhh. too much yucky things happened yesterday.
hope tomorrow will be better than this.

and, special for my aunt and uncle, hope u get well soon :)

Katy Perry, The American Sweetheart!

Let me introduce you, my favourite girl now...

Katy Perry!


Have u ever heard a controversial song titled "I Kissed a Girl"?
Yepp, that's right, baby... Katy Perry is the singer of that song!

I heart her soooo much! I wish the object 'girl' on her song was me! *kidding :)
I can't stop listening to her song lately...

So, who is Katy Perry?

Her real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, Katy Perry is just her stage name.
At the beginning, she use Katy Hudson as her stage name, but she changed it because it was too close with Kate Hudson, a film actress.
She was born on October 25, 1984 on California, USA.
She is a singer and song-writer. She can play a guitar.

Skip to her album...

One Of The Boys

This is not her first album, she has released a self-titled gospel rock album in 2001. Then, she has some collaboration with some musician, and once she join with a band named "The Matrix".

I try to review this album...

This album contains 12 songs.
Most of her songs is tell about love.
The lyrics are so unique and funny, it's not boring as another love songs.

Recommended Songs:

  1. I Kissed a Girl
  2. Hot 'n Cold
  3. Ur So gay
  4. Thinking of You (this one is my favo!)
  5. Mannequin
So, just buy her album! :)

How about her stage act? her style?

I can say that her style is vintage and colourful.


1st pic: she wear tuxedo as a boy and dress as a girl. how unique!
2nd pic: girly dress but that oversize bow is too big...
3rd pic: she declared she was an Obama fanatic
4th pic: cute, with her name on that tiny dress
5th pic: she looks like a lady on that dress, but i think it's better if she doesn't show off her boobs :)

1st pic: hmm she looks like pregnant, does she?
2nd pic: the dress is absurd! it's so unique. but I wonder how can she sits down when she wears it?
3rd pic: glam dress! the big cherry sweeten her looks :)

I really love her :)
but, she has a problem with Lily Allen.
it's because Katy Perry said to media that she just like Lily Allen but in skinnier version...
most of my friends don't like Katy Perry because of it.
hmmm i believe that it's just an accident or slip of tongue...

Well, that's all my review about Katy Perry :)

Go Katy Go!

My English Club :)

Today, finally English club has meeting again, after 3 weeks I abolish it.

I told all members to come to school at 8 sharp, buttt.... I just arrived at school 30 minutes later...
hmmm... what a bad leader!

honestly, i confused about what program should I apply today...
Vicky, my vice, advice me "why don't we gave them some test? about tenses maybe?"
I said "Okay!", because eeeh eeeh there's nothing else I can say...

the test is about the using of 'as if & as though'
honestly again, I don't even know about it at all...

after this test, we play UNO to refresh our mind.
but it's different, I named it UNO in English club rule! :)

the rule is:
if u put the yellow card, u should mention English words which starts from "Y", red card starts from "R", blue card starts from "B", and green card starts with "G".


playing UNO :)
thanks for vino, the only boy between us, for taking this photo. 

The Result...
I'm the 3rd winner... oh that's shameful :( but it's okay...

using UNO card to show everyone the date of my birthday. hihi.

not important, actually...


April 3, 2009!

Today is just like an ordinary friday. I got the economy, english and sociology class.

reeeaaaaaly makes me boring, moreover, I lose contact with my *peep*! :(

sooo, I decided to captured things in my class, my lovely XI Social 1... just for fun..

my cool stuff! yeay! :)

this origami is for my dear friend, priska. haha. It looks like nobita's shirt, rite?

sehubungan dengan pemilu yg bentar lagi digelar, cowokcowok di XI IPS 1 berebutan pingin jadi caleg! haha. berbagai gelar ditulis seenaknya, dari S.H, Prof, Dr, Drs, MM, MLM, MSN, MMS, MCK pun jadiii! hihi :)