Goodbye Jakarta!

Hey all my lovely readers!
I'm going to go for a vacation tomorrow.
and it will takes 10 days.

I'm going to travelling around Java and Bali.
wish me luck and hope everything's gonna be alright :D

If I have time, I will write some posts about the journey on the way...
I will bring my story and photos home for this blog!



Last Friday night I had a reunion night with my elementary school!
yeaaaay! finally it could be realized :)

it was located at Taman Kuliner, Kalimalang.
it was held from 5 until 9 pm. oooh how long ;p

actually the entire part of my class is 44 person, but those who attended the reunion is just 20.
but well, at least, we are gathered again!

long tome no see and they did change a lot! but I still can identified them.

let's check out the photos!

with Ira, my best friend in elementary school.
thanks for the ride, ra ;)

we talked about our memories.
how silly we were and many more!
and I enjoy every minute of it :)

the boys all smoke! I hate it -__-
and they did shisha too. but I won't!

I love you all my childhood friend :)
hope we can make some rendezvous again!

Spain with The Diving Boy

Spain win from Chile with score 2-1!

it hasn't satisfied me yet.
well, I didn't watch the match because I was too tired for working in my OKK UI's group.
and I'm a bit scared to know the result. what if Spain lose?! I will crying all night long!
thank God, they win!
thanks to Villa and Iniesta :)

and thanks to Torres, your acting is totally cool. you deserve to win the Oscar!
the diving brought the second yellow card and a red card to Chile's player...

what an unnecessary action!

next match they're going to meet Portugal.
please, win the game Spain! I'm with you!

Espana na na na...

Yes! finally Spain prove that they are such a great team with great performance!
Spain beat Honduras with 2 goals coming from the one and only David Villa!

The line up formation

Thanks to David Villa for making 2 goals!
actually he could make a hat-trick (3 goals) when he did the penalty kick,
but unfortunately, the shot isn't accurate :(

and well, I hate Pique actually, I blamed him for his failure to stop goal from Switzeland.
but thanks to him that night.
he keep playing while he had wound on his side of the head from last match against Switzerland, and that night he was bleeding again on the mouth.
poor him...

my comment is... they play good. just good. not amazing or awesome.

I believe that Spain can do it so much better!
Please improve your performance again and again, Spain...
I'm with you, as always :)


Communication with New Friends

Finally have time to blogging! yeaaah!
my team's essay for OKK UI's assignment is almost done. Alhamdulillah!
hope it would be the one of the best essay :)

Actually this story has happened a week ago.
Last Saturday I was having a health test at UI.
there are long queues again, but not as long as the previous registering day.
they're checking my blood, my height and weight (can't believe when UI's staff measuring my height and she told me that I'm just 145cm! that's totally a mistake!!! I'm not that short!), my hospital chart, my eyes and my teeth.

after having that test, me and my new friends which have some major with me, communication, having some 'picnic'. we were having fun there, laughing out loud.
we're just know each other for a while, but they are very friendly and humorous.
I'm involved in the atmosphere, and that's good :)

from left to right :
Manda, Sona, Hafiz, Pus, Salsa, Fike, Me (blue shirt), Uti, Chika, Catia and Reza

the people below is same like the previous one,
but it's plus Awe, the boy who bow above me

All we did is just LAUGH :D

Manda suggested us to give this circle a name. and she called us with Genggong STARA.
a weird name, huh? this name got meaning, but I won't tell you guys about it. it's our secret ;p

I hope this friendship would last!

Welcome My Yellow Friend!

Let me introduce you my new buddies.
I love them soooo much.
I dedicated my 3 years on high school to pursue them.
they are very precious...

meet my yellow jacket with orange makara.

and meet my student college card

please pardon my face on the photo -__-

p.s :
I have so many homework for OKK UI, so I'm sorry if I neglect this blog for a while.
wish me luck!

Long Queues at UI

So today I wanna share my experience doing registering at UI. it was horrible and boring. believe me!

let me use Bahasa Indonesia, please.
because I think this post is more useful if I write it in Bahasa ;p

well, gue berangkat jam setengah 6 dari rumah, dianterin bokap nyokap naik mobil.
padahal sebenernya daftar ulang UI baru mulai jam 8.
terus kenapa mesti pagi-pagi banget datengnya?
karenaaa dari pengalaman senior-senior yang tahun lalu registering, jam 6 aja antriannya udah panjaaaaang banget di Balairung.

perjalanannya sih lancar, gue sampe di depan pintu gerbang UI sekitar jam setengah 7 kurang. udah mulai keliatan rame, banyak mobil gitu. yah, gue sih cuma bisa berdoa kalo antriannya belom panjang...
begitu turun di Balairung... oh my God! udah penuuuuh bangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet -__-

gue langsung cari tenda yang ada tulisannya Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik.
alhamdulillah belom penuh-penuh banget sih, yang paling panjang antriannya tuh FE, FH sama FIB.
begitu ngantri, gue ketemu Fike, temen SMP gue. dia PMDK komunikasi juga. alhamdulillah, ada temen ngobrol :)

1 jam kemudian temen ngobrol gue nambah. ada Salsa sama Pus. baik dan rame banget anaknya. keasikan ngobrol, kita jadi ga denger aba-aba senior tentang urutan barisnya.
ternyataaa, kita mesti baris per jurusan. dan komunikasi barisannya di paling kanan.
jadilah kita lari-lari, rebutan antrian lagi! cck cck!

aaah gue kepisah sama Pus, Salsa, Fike! mereka ada di 2 baris depan gue.
tapi justru itulah yang bikin gue kenalan sama anak komunikasi yang lain. ada Manda, Karina, Uti, sama Catia. rame-rame banget anaknya! alhamdulillah nambah temen baru :D

gini nih antriannya. mana uwjyan, bewcheck, gada owjheck -__-

akhirnya jam 8 lebih dikit, loket 1 dibuka.
loket 1 itu cuma dikasih map yang isinya berkas-berkas yang harus diisi, kayak data diri gitulah. ternyata mau masuk ke Balairungnya ngantri lagiiiiiii!
begitu masuk Balairung, kita disuruh duduk sambil ngisi data diri.
selama ini kita ber8 bergerombol terus dan paling rame sendiri hehe.

pas udah selesai ngisi, ga ada informasi isian datanya ini harus dibawa kemana.
alhasil, banyak maba yang bengong-bengong doang di kursinya.
tapi kita ber8 punya inisiatif nyari tau, dan akhirnya kita naik tangga keluar, dan sampelah di antrian loket 2! untuuung aja kita ga cuma diem. kasian deh tuh yang di dalem, nunggu sampe tua haha.

di dalam Balairung. super huge!

dari semua loket, loket 2 lah yang antriannya paling panjang dan paling lama!
ngantrinya duduk sih, tapi melingker2 gitu, kayak antrian dufan.
sempet stuck di antrian loket 2 selama 1 jam, akhirnya sampe di loket 2!

loket 2 ini loket pengecekan berkas. di cek tuh data-datanya udah lengkap apa belom.
nah, di loket 2 ini, petugasnya banyak, jadi cepet deh.

loket 3 tempat pengukuran jaket kuning. jadi kita nyobain ukuran jaket. kalo udah, tandain ukurannya di kertas pengambilan jaket. gue milih M.

loket 4 itu loket pengambilan foto sama sidik jari. gue pikir kan foto boleh pake foto yang pas gue PPKB, eh ternyata disuruh foto lagi. haduuuh, muka udah ga jelas, keringetan, berminyak. ah gembel lah pokoknya. terus abis foto, di ambil sidik jari gue.

loket 5 tempat penyerahan berkas2 yang tadi diperiksa. cepet banget prosesnya dari loket 2 ke seterusnya.

loket 6 loket pengambilan kartu mahasiswa! aaaaah this is the most important time!
jadi ada layar gede gitu, isinya nama sama foto maba UI yang kartunya sedang di proses. jadi mesti bener2 pasang kuping.

kartu kuning mahasiswa udah di tangan, lanjut deh ke loket 7, loket terakhir (finally!).
yaitu loket pengambilan jaket kuning! yeaaaaah akhirnya jaket yang selama ini gue impikan udah ada di genggaman gue. alhamdulillah ya Allah :')

abis itu keluar dari Balairung. kita ber8 mikir kalo ini udah selesai. eh ternyataaa kita harus ke stand FISIP dulu. hadeeeh udah jam 1an itu tuh, lagi laper banget belom makan -__-

di stand FISIP dikasih amplop yang isinya tugas-tugas buat ospek fakultas. oh no! banyak banget! abis itu disuruh ngumpul lagi buat dapet pengarahan ospek universitas atau OKK.

FYI, gue dapet 3 ospek loooooh! errr
1 ospek universitas, 1 ospek fakultas, dan 1 ospek jurusan komunikasi.
yang paling terakhir itulah yang sadis katanya haha.

harusnya abis dari Balairung, kita ke gedung PKM buat tes kesehatan, tapi karena waktunya ga cukup, jadi ditunda jadi hari Sabtu deh...

abis itu gue pulang!

capek. sumpah capek banget. tapi puas sih karena membawa pulang jaket kuning dan kartu mahasiswa :)

UI, I'm totally yours and you're totally mine!

S, do not give me pain...

I am very disappointed with Spain!
I give my extra time to watched them, I stayed up until 11, while the next day I have a registering for UI.
but, what did I have watched?
they were lose against Switzerland.

God! I swear I cried at the time.
I'm sad, upset and mad!
how could the winner of Euro 2008 lose from just Switzerland?!
what would the world say about this?!
this is embarassing...

I'm a bit upset about the coach of Spain.
why he didn't command Torres and Fabregas to play on the 1st round?!

but that's okay, Spain still have chances to fix this situation.
I hope they could win-well, they SHOULD win- on their next matches versus Honduras and Chile.

I still support you no matter what happen!

Keep Beating Faster and Faster

it's a quick post!

1) Spain national football team will have their 1st match versus Switzerland tonight at 9 pm!
yeaaaaaaah! finally, I can fulfill my desire to watch Villa, Fabregas, Torres, and Casillas's performance! I predict the score will be 3-0 or 3-1 for Spain. well, at least Spain had to win! I give my soul to Spain! Go La Furia Roja!

2) I have to stay up until 11 pm to watch Spain. while tomorrow I have to go to UI for registering! I know I should save my energy for it, because I heard that the registering is take a very long time and I have to join the long queues! errr I can't imagine it.
I'm going to leave my house at 6 am. just hope that every little thing is gonna be alright!

3) My heart is pounding too fast when I know that tomorrow I will be the official student of University of Indonesia! alhamdulillah! and of course I will have the yellow jacket with orange makara on it :)

Like Nike

Last weekend, me and my family went to my auntie's house.
a sort of family business there...
it's ended at 3 pm, too early to go home.
so my dad asked us to stopped by at Senayan City.
we're just snacking at the food studio. this journey is pointless actually ;p

but it was not a pointless journey until I saw there's a Nike small exhibition on the 1st floor!
it's a cool spot for taking photos. yeah I was over-excited at the time.
but I'm not the only one. there's so many people who taking photos too.

lol ;p

laughing when I saw this 'BRA', it's a shortness from Brazil

with CR 7. aah wish it was true!
Portugal was my favorite team, but now I prefer Spain

The nation is in our heart

'AUS' is a shortness from Australia.
in Indonesia 'aus' means thirsty,
that's why I tried to made my face like I'm thirsty ;p

I want that three costumes!

unfortunately, there wasn't Spain booth :'(
maybe it's because Spain isn't sponsored by Nike, but Adidas.

how about your weekend guys?

What About Sushi?

Last Friday, finally, I went to school.

I took my graduation photos and managed my files, also legalized it for UI's registering.
So I had to wore my white-gray uniform again. ooh how I miss it so bad :'(

well, actually I had no plan with my friends to met up at school.
but magically we arrived at the same time and met each other.
maybe God let us having some fun :)

after managing our files, we went to TIS at Tebet with Murni's car.
arrived there, we entered a resto named Sushi-ya.
I'm a bit panic when I know that we're going to eat sushi!

I tell you, honestly, this is my very first experience eating sushi (yeah call me sucks!)
because at first I think sushi is quite expensive, fishy and unpleasant.
aaand let me tell you one more thing... I can't use chopsticks! lol ;p
yeah that's embarrassing >.<

when I looked at the menu, I have no idea about it at all.
so I just ordered the same menu like my friends have ordered ;p

this is the photos :)

at Murni's car

minus Anggita (she was taking this photo)

with Hillisa a.k.a Tomat. silly pose ;p

the sushi.
but it wasn't what I ate. it contains salmon, while mine was tuna.

looks happy after had lunch
please pardon Tomat's style ;p

all photo was taken by Anggita, the master of photography-to-be

The after taste :

Sushi is very yummy! I'm addicted to it from now on!
and about the price, in Sushi-ya, the price is very affordable.
the place is cool to hang out and the waiters are totally cute and handsome ;p

The Red Fury

As I promised before, I'm going to write anything about Spain national football team on World Cup 2010.

I always love this team.
not only because they have so many handsome players (ahem!), but also their skills!
I fell in love with Spain since they became a winner of Euro 2008.
Spain is commonly referred to as La Furia Roja (The Red Fury)

I wish they can repeat their spectacular performance like Euro 2008!

here it is the Spain team list for World Cup 2010!

Coach: Vicente del Bisque

Goalkeepers: Iker Casillas, Pepe Reina, Víctor Valdés

Defenders: Raúl Albiol, Carles Puyol, Joan Capdevila, Sergio Ramos, Gerard Piqué, Carlos Marchena, Álvaro Arbeloa

Midfielders: Andrés Iniesta, Xavi Hernández, Xabi Alonso, Sergio Busquets, Javi Martínez, Cesc Fàbregas, Juan Mata, David Silva, Jesús Navas

Forwards: David Villa, Pedro Rodríguez, Fernando Torres, Fernando Llorente

wow! what a perfect combination!
I'm sure they can easily be the 1st rank of their group.
FYI, they're on group F with Chile, Switzerland, and Honduras

now, speaking about the players...
well, I always love Latin face haha ;)

and Spain team is totally have it! that's why I support them!

take a look at these heart robbers!

Cesc Fabregas (also playing in Arsenal)
aw aw love his beard ;p

David Villa (also playing in Valencia)
He is really a cool striker!

Fernando Torres (also playing in Liverpool)
those freckles are nothing, he still looks good!

Gerard Pique (also playing in Barcelona)
gosh! *breath-taking*

Align Center

Iker Casillas (also playing in Real Madrid)
his appearance and performance makes me screeaaam!

heart robbers photo's courtesy :

updates about Spain :
last Tuesday they had a match versus Poland.
and they won! big won!
the score was 6-0! woo-hoo! nice start!

Vamos La Furia Roja!