Mr. President

Hi, you guys must know about Obama's attending in UI..
only invited people who can attend the public lecture.

errgh I'm very upset and mad because I didn't even get any info about how to get the invitation!!!
there's no info, well even there is, it's just a little info.

I'm green with envy when I heard 5-10 of my friends in UI can get the invitation, then I figured out that if we want to get the invitation, we have to registered ourself at US Embassy.

oh good, no one told me about this! :(

well, it's too late to complain...
but I really regret this situation, I mean, hey it's the only way to get a chance to watch speech from Obama, live, with my own eyes! and I have missed it...

so I ended up with watching his speech on TV -__-
speaking about his speech, I really love the way he delivered his speech. he looks very capable with that. and I love how he inserted Bahasa Indonesia on his speech, like 'bakso', 'sate', 'becak' and 'pulang kampung, nih'. lol, that was funny ;)

yeah, maybe next time I get a chance to watch his speech, or even handshaking with him..

come back, please, Mr. Obama :)


  Karina Rizky Puteri

11 November 2010 pukul 17.17

whoaaaaa, gue juga put. sumpah nyesel abis. just like you said maybe next time we'll get a better chance! YEAY