My moment

August 27 2009


I'm SEVENTEEN now :)

Yeay! I'm not a kid anymore.
Hope I will be better, smarter, slimmer, taller, what else? make a wish for me :)

many of friends wish happy birthday to me.
thanks guys!

hmm about the birthday gift, I don't need one.
the most important is affection from my family and friends.
but, if only I have to make a wish,
I waaaaant...
boyfriend, maybe? lol :)

and my mom,
she made a lil' surprise for me!
she put a mini black forest cake on my room with candles on it, shaped '1' and '7'
Thanks Mom! I love you most!

Happy Birthday for me!
May Allah give the best for my life.

This thing is sucks!

Hey all :)

aduuuh udah lama banget banget banget ga ngepost di blog!!!

merasa bersalah banget deh :(

hope things back to normal next week!
hope my mom would let me use the internet again at home....

You know what?
Actually, I have soooooooooooooo many stories.
but hufff... just wait until next week and I will write 20 new posts/day for you all!!!
haha. it's too much...

okay. bye. that's all I've got.

come back here next week and you will find something that you could never imagine!

Red and White

August 17 is Indonesia's Independent Day!

and this Monday, as usual I have to go to school.
doing the ceremony.

after that?

ahh I'm craving for this movie!

Our local movie!


click here to watch the trailer!

I really want to watch it, because many reviews said that it's great and the most of crews are from Hollywood, so the effect would be fantastic.

ahh please someone take me to the cinema!


August 27 is come closer.

It's too soon for me to reach this age.
From 16 to 17.

17 means I have grow old.
But, I hate being mature.
I hate 17.

I love my childhood.
I love my childish attitude.
I love being a spoiled child.
How I still can hug my mom like I was a baby.
I don't wanna throw it away in the past.

I love being kids.
Kids don't have to think about the real life.
What they know is just play along day and always laugh without pain.

I hate being adult.
Adult do have to think about the real life.
What they know is just problems, pain, desperate, dissapointed and face the life independently.

Well, I can say that I'm not ready for 17.



Finally I could meet my two besties from junior high!

It's been a long time for us to not meet each other.
I miss them soooo much!

The place is Mcdonald near my house.
Actually, we planned arrived there at 4.
But, I'm always the latest one... Sorry friends :)

You must know what kind of conversation when girls meet?
Yeah, we share about love story. How are our crush, what happened then and all boys stuff!

We talked about our hopes too.
Retta choose ITB for the next grade.
Nadya choose UI. and me?
I also choose UI.

But our path is different. I hope our dreams come true!

Here it is the photo:

(damn! I just can upload 1 photo...)

Love you all!

Save me!

Sorry for my absence!

Aaaah I lost my internet connection!!!
It's all because my mom forget to pay it after 3 months!
ohh what the eff!
and when I ask my mom to pay it, she said it's good to not have internet connection, so I can study seriously. Oh my God! it's a nightmare!

and now I can write this, but in warnet.
ahh it's sucks you know..

So, now I want to sum up my activities a week ago.

enjoy it!


hari ini gue ada pelajaran BK.
terus tadi ditengah jam pelajaran, Bu Naomi manggil gue ke depan, ke mejanya.

deg-degan banget.
pas berdiri dan mau jalan ke arah beliau, dalam hati gue berbisik :
" Ya Allah, semoga ngomongin PMDK..."

daaan ternyata

Bu Naomi ngeliatin map kuning yang isinya daftar peringkat kelas semester 1-5.
tapi masih kosong, yang keisi baru peringkat semester 1 aja.

Bu Naomi nanya peringkat-peringkat gue dari kelas 10-11.
yaudah gue jawab seadanya.

terus beliau bilang, kalo gue berpeluang buat dapet PMDK.
Alhamdulillah Ya Allah :)

Tapi, ada ga enaknya dikit nih...
Syarat dapet PMDK yang terakhir:
Gue harus masuk 5 besar di semester 1 kelas XII ini.

keluar dari itu, hasil usaha kerja keras gue, 2 tahun menimbun nilai, engga bakal ada artinya!

waaaw! parah kan?!

hmmhh, tapi gue bakal berusaha sekeras mungkin.
belajar serajin mungkin, dan berdoa sesering mungkin!

for those who read this, pleaseeee pray for me too, okay?

I really need your support!

and I found this great scheme about success, hope it will inspired me and you all!

Night all!

Hey young generation!


Sorry udah lama engga posting apa-apa.
gue lagi disibukkan sama kegiatan OSIS.

periode OSIS angkatan gue udah mau abis.
jadi harus regenerasi sama angkatan bawah.

nah, jadilah diadain seleksi calon pengurus OSIS a.k.a seleksi Capsis.
yang ikut capsis banyak banget deh tahun ini.
awalnya 120an orang, terus ada tes seleksi awal, menciut jadi 60an kalo ga salah.
daan sisanya itu maju ke babak selanjutnya.
dari 60an orang itu dibagi jadi 3 kelompok.

dalam seleksi ini, ada 3 sesi.
Wawancara, argumentasi dan public speaking.

gue kebagian jadi juri di public speaking.
agak membosankan sih. kebanyakan pesertanya kaku dan monoton.
tapi ada juga sih yang kocak...

ada yang jadi VJ MTVsambil nari salsa.

ada yang jadi VJ musik Jepang, tapi ngomongnya begini:

"ya, kita kedatangan tamu band dari Jepang yang akan mengeluarkan lagu yang berjudul...engga tau judulnya apa..."

wets. lagu macam apa itu?!
pengennya sih sok galak, tapi giliran dia ngomong gitu, gue langsung ngakak. soalnya, aslinya kocak banget. haha.

ada juga yang jadi da'i buat ceramah, tapi ngomongnya begini:

"hadirin sekalian, menurut ayat al-Qur'an hmm suratnya saya lupa..."

wets. da'i apa nih kayak gini?!

hari ini baru hari kedua. masih ada besok.
fiuhh besok masih harus men-judge mereka...

oh ya, sebenernya gue punya foto-foto pas kegiatan ini, tapi males ng-uploadnya.
it's not important anyway...

mau tidur, tapi mau cerita 1 postingan lagi nih :)


well, maybe I'm too late to write this,

but, Goodbye Mbah Surip!

There's no more the silliest song ever titled 'Tak Gendong' sang by him...

I Love You Full!

History class's quote!

"Semakin kamu belajar, semakin kamu menjadi bodoh.
karena lama-kelamaan kamu tidak tahu apa yang kamu tidak ketahui"

-Pak Wayan-

Maksudnya apa ya?
Jadi makin belajar makin bego gitu?
gue ga ngerti deh! butuh waktu lama buat mencerna kata-kata ini...
duh! apa gue yang lemot ya?

The Flour Thingy


Actually, last Friday, I attended my friend's brithday party. It's Ani's sweet seventeen birthday.
The dress code is Black and White. It was quite fun. I ate lasagna there.(guilty pleasure!).
I will show you photos of this event, but it's on my friend's camera.
so, maybe next time...

Yesterday, my family had a project. (well, i'm not sure, it can called 'project'...)
My mom, my brother and I want to made pancakes!

The ingredients are:

flour, eggs, sugar, salt, baking powder, milk and melted butter.
the toppings are:
Classic Napoleon ice cream, syrup, and chocochips.
(If I'm not mistaken...)

after wait for the process, we realized that it doesn't looks like pancakes, but Serabi! haha.

Here it is the pics :

The making...

Tadaa! This is the result! haha.

Compare with this one?

ya ya. that's all my weekend.