Hello, blog!
Loooooong time no see!
Oh how I miss blogging so much! I can’t belive that I have neglected it for 2 months! Pheew....college’s are getting crazy nowadays, so please pardon my long hiatus.
So, now I’m back! I will start blogging again. Maybe it won’t be as often as on those good old days but at least I’ll try to make this blog alive again.
You know what? My long absence in blogging seriously affect my life. I was an average writer, I mean I’m not too good at it but also not sucks, right? I can be such a bullshit, creative, and critical writer, from the very simple to formal writings. But, now, I feel like my capability is decreasing. Writing is easy, but make a good one is complicated. I think if we want to make a good writings, we should make it as our habit. And...from now on I would like to apply that principle.
Hope that I can keep up my good mood so I can write many posts here. And hope that you guys still attracted to visit and read my blog. I will try to re-brand the concept of my blog, I will make it maturer and more useful for all of us. Wish me luck :)
Back to Basic
accidentally posted by Putri Ariani 12.08.2011 what time? 10:51:00 PM
1 comments Labels: about me, heart and head, lessons about life
I want Panda!
I have watched it with Myka, in 3D. and wow, the graphics and effects are amazing! you must watch it!

It's baby Po!!! look, he's extremely cute! makes me want to have a Panda in my house :)

It's not Po, if he doesn't make a stupid moves and fool mistakes ;)
what I like from Kung Fu Panda 2, is not only about the amazing cuteness of Po, but this film has what people called 'moral of the story'. so, it's not just about the jokes, but the quotes from some characters are inspiring. These are my favorite quotes :
"Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are, it is the rest of your story, who you choose to be..." -The Soothsayer
"Happiness must be taken. and I will take mine!" -Lord Shen
"You should, Shen. You got to let go of the stuff from past, because it just doesn't matter. the only thing that matter is what you choose to be now" -Po
See? Agree with me? ;)
The ending makes me curious to death!!! There might be Kung Fu Panda 3, and I have to watch it later :)
accidentally posted by Putri Ariani 9.04.2011 what time? 11:20:00 AM
0 comments Labels: favorites, heart and head, Movies
Happy Burstdaaaaaaay, Me!
Yesterday, August 27 is my daaaay!
I’m very glad knowing that there are so many friends who remember and wish me a bunch of happy birthday! Thank guys, so lucky to have you all :)
This year, I’m not going to celebrate it with any events, because I think, what’s for? I think the birthday is not to be celebrated, but to be evaluated. I’ve lived my live for 19 years and whoaah there are so many mistakes that I’ve done. 19 should mean maturity. And I feel that I’m not into it.
As 19th, I confess that I’m such a spoiled girl. I'm still whinning to my mom, and often act childishly. I hope slowly I can leave that bad attitude, amiin :)
Yesterday, my mom and brother gave me a birthday cake! Yeaaay, have been craving for it! It’s Chocolate Devil from The Harvest. Have you taste the super yummy chocolate sensation on it? You should try one!
Psst, I ask my brother to take this candid, but actually it’s not candid, because I was prepared ;)
Yumm! The taste of the chocolate is very deep and creamy! Can’t get enough for it ! Who wants some?
And now I want to show you the lovely greetings from my friends, via BBM, text, facebook and twitter!
Most of them hope that I can be a success person in the future, and hope that soon I can have a boyfriend! Haha thank you so much for the wishes and prayers, hope that Allah is going to grant it all :)
accidentally posted by Putri Ariani 8.29.2011 what time? 5:09:00 PM
0 comments Labels: about me, cute things, favorites, Friends, heart and head, yeayness
accidentally posted by Putri Ariani 8.27.2011 what time? 9:59:00 PM
0 comments Labels: about me, heart and head, lessons about life, yeayness
August Wishes
Today is 25th of August, which is ... 2 days to go to my 19th birthdaaaaaay!
Wow, time flies so fast. I 'm surprised that 19, is going to be my age soon. Every birthday girls have their own birthday wishes. Just like me, I have so many wishes, even the impossible one like 'God, could you please send me Brendon Urie or Darren Criss on my bday?'
Well, let's just count on the realistic wishes, here it is my b'day's wishlist, in case some of you want to send me gifts, but have no clue what to choose :P

accidentally posted by Putri Ariani 8.24.2011 what time? 10:25:00 PM
1 comments Labels: cute things, favorites, passion for fashion
Listen to Your Ear
Just wanna share what I'm currently listening to... of course the K-Pop below counts, but I won't spamming you again with Korean thingy, so here it is...
Gym Class Heroes Ft. Adam Levine –Stereo Hearts
Adam Levine is uplifting this song, can't get enough of his voice!
Make me your radio | Turn me up when you feel low
This melody was meant for you | Just sing along to my stereo...
Hey Monday – Candles
The first time I'm listening to it, is from Glee, which sang by Kurt and Blaine. I think the original version is better :)
Blow the candles out | Looks like a solo tonight
But I think I'll be allright...
Beyonce –Best Thing I Never Had
Beyonce always got the hits! It could be next 'irreplaceable' :)
and I'm gon' always be the best thing I never had
I bet it sucks to be you right now...
Beyonce –Why Don’t You Love Me
yeah, Mrs. B again. I think this is the galauest Beyonce's song ever. check out the song and listen to the lyrics. that's sooo me (ups!)
I got beauty | I got class | I got style and I got ass
And you don't even to care to care...
why don't you love me?
accidentally posted by Putri Ariani 8.15.2011 what time? 4:46:00 PM
0 comments Labels: heart and head, musics